Molecular-based characterization and bioengineering of Sorghum bicolor to enhance iron deficiency tolerance in iron-limiting calcareous soils.
Senoura T, Nozoye T, Yuki R, Yamamoto M, Maeda K, Sato-Izawa K, Ezura H, Itai RN, Bashir K, Masuda H, Kobayashi T, Nakanishi H, Nishizawa NK
Published: 24 October 2024
in Plant molecular biology
A high-performance computational workflow to accelerate GATK SNP detection across a 25-genome dataset.
Zhou Y, Kathiresan N, Yu Z, Rivera LF, Yang Y, Thimma M, Manickam K, Chebotarov D, Mauleon R, Chougule K, Wei S, Gao T, Green CD, Zuccolo A, Xie W, Ware D, Zhang J, McNally KL, Wing RA
Published: 26 January 2024
in BMC biology
Effect of Flour Particle Size on the Glycemic Index of Muffins Made from Whole Sorghum, Whole Corn, Brown Rice, Whole Wheat, or Refined Wheat Flours.
Pruett A, Aramouni FM, Bean SR, Haub MD
Published: 21 November 2023
in Foods (Basel, Switzerland)
Hormonal regulation of inflorescence and intercalary meristems in grasses.
Awale P, McSteen P
Published: 23 September 2023
in Current opinion in plant biology
Comparative analysis of sorghum (C4) and rice (C3) plant headspace volatiles induced by artificial herbivory.
Osinde C, Sobhy IS, Wari D, Dinh ST, Hojo Y, Osibe DA, Shinya T, Tugume AK, Nsubuga AM, Galis I
Published: 16 August 2023
in Plant signaling & behavior
Editorial: Genomic selection and characterization in cereals.
Rashid MAR, Sajjad M, Gul A, Zhao Y
Published: 31 January 2023
in Frontiers in genetics
The TAZ domain-containing proteins play important role in the heavy metals stress biology in plants.
Shalmani A, Ullah U, Muhammad I, Zhang D, Sharif R, Jia P, Saleem N, Gul N, Rakhmanova A, Tahir MM, Chen KM, An N
Published: 29 March 2021
in Environmental research
A homologous gene of OsREL2/ASP1, ASP-LSL regulates pleiotropic phenotype including long sterile lemma in rice.
Wu T, Ali A, Wang J, Song J, Fang Y, Zhou T, Luo Y, Zhang H, Chen X, Liao Y, Liu Y, Xu P, Wu X
Published: 23 August 2021
in BMC plant biology