SorghumBase Present at the 2022 ASPB Conference: with Workshops, Posters and Talks
The American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) and the Canadian Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB) hosted their 2022 Conference, PB 2022, in Portland, Oregon from July 9-13. Over 1,090 scientists and researchers attended the conference in 65 sessions with approximately 260 talks and 545 posters presented.
The Bioinformatics workshop included a SorghumBase talk by Janeen Braynen, a member of Doreen Ware’s lab at CSHL, entitled “Pangenome resources & news for the sorghum research community.” Dr. Braynen also presented a SorghumBase poster on this topic as well as the poster “Regulatory Networks Governing Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Maize and Sorghum”.
Project members also represented SorghumBase in the AgBioData Consortium booth exhbit.